bathroom updates

it’s true what they say. your reno budget is about as watertight as a toilet paper strainer.

so much structural damage and shitty previous remodeling, like poorly executed plumbing and dangerously installed wiring. not to mention all the rebuilding from scratch (floor and walls) due to years and years of leaking. leaking that went into the laundry room which also had to be ripped out and rebuilt. we are at 12k and that’s not including any of the fun stuff. i did manage to get all the tile for the entire bathroom for $900. which i am ridiculously proud of.

let’s recap…

here’s the shower before. see where those shampoo/conditioner bottles are sitting? not long after this photo was taken the entire top on that bench collapsed.


you ready?

that wall came down and i was like shit this is real. but in a good way.

once the walls came down, next came the floors.

eek. look at that mold and rot. the smell was like whoa.


once it was cleared out the plywood went down and new insulation went up.

remember that weird wall that had an overhang and then the wall itself didn’t go all the way up to the ceiling? well now it does and the weird overhang is gone. blessed be.

the shower currently.

and then just last night as i was typing up itemized lists our contractor called to me.

to show me this..

there aren’t too many better feelings than seeing tile go up an entire wall.

fact: if i could have i would have tiled every inch of wall in this bathroom. possibly the ceiling. like a victorian indoor swimming pool room.

let’s have another look at some inspo…

this is the og inspiration. white, cream, black, brass.

the curtain rod is the wackiest part of the design bc it’s not going to be conventional. in other words i will most likely have to fashion it out of pipes and parts.

could also go with a curved, or l-shaped rod with some kid of invisible wire like this holding it up.

the vanity/sconce/mirror situation is contingent on so many things affecting the other.

the space we have to work with isn’t big enough for most conventional double sink vanities.

and the budget for the vanity is about 500. which if you’ve looked at the cost of bathroom vanities you’ll know that is going to be difficult to find. esp, for two sinks. because of lack of storage in general i will need to go with some kind of cabinet situation as this isn’t my house and for re-sale value that’s what i will most likely need. it’s the master in the house so i need to treat it as such. now, if it were me i’d do a console sink and add some kind of dresser/armoire/cabinet in ornate wood for storage.

i know what you’re thinking…find a cheap vintage piece of storage furniture and have a top made. that is a possibility and i’m on it. i’m also going to visit a few scratch and dent stores and see what they have as well.

also taking suggestions.

love and light.