a big lump with knobs


there are days where i struggle so much i imagine that things would be easier if i weren’t here. easier on me of course. because ain’t nothing easier than an irish goodbye. i won’t off myself or anything. i wouldn’t even know how. what am i gonna do stab myself? has anyone ever stabbed themselves to death??? hang on let me google that…..brb.

there are EIGHT reported cases.

well i’m not surprised only 8 people successfully unalived themselves with a knife. probably the same knife they used to chop onions. honestly that would be a pretty sobering thought in the midst of trying to stab myself- how many vegetables have i chopped with this knife in an attempt to eat healthier?

anyway. i can’t stop singing the corn song, which if that isn’t validation that i’m gonna be ok i don’t know what is. also i’m gonna be ok.