lonny thoughts

here's my deal-

we wait and wait and wait and wait

for lonny.

and then it gets here and 


1. it's the GREEN issue. (rolls eyes)

i like things that are green. 

i like things that support other things that need supporting.

i don't use commercial cleaners, i use vinegar..not just as a deliciously gross drink but as a cleaner for just about everything in my home.

so green = good,

but "insanely proud of" and "larger than ever and jam packed with inspiration"?!?


maybe i am rainman but when i flipped to the blogger page at the end i was like...

"is that it?!!"

and i beg to differ on the "jam packed with inspiration" bit.



2. i think 3 of the homes featured i had seen already..including wearstler's store.

and while all of the homes in the issue were beautiful and homes i would make out with if given half the chance..

it was still kind of a let down.

 i know in this day of the blog and pinterest it's hard to NOT see everything a million times..

but to wait like 4 months or whatever for a publication to come out only to have it be filled with places i have seen is 

a bummer.


3. the homes.


yeah, i guess so.

anna burke's place gave everyone wood, and it is always nice to see a home worked out with supreme skill on a major budget..because it's just a bigger accomplishment in my opinion and more relatable.

but the rest of the homes were pretty darn blah.

all of them mashed together in their blah-ness made it all the more blah.


here's what i did like-


 mixed up furniture, juju hat and diy art.

budget decorating at it's best.

though those juju hats aren't in my budget. 





k dub's bathroom.

it's insane and wonderful.

i would be honored to leave a turd in her toilet.




fur on rattan.

unexpected and awesome.



i am obsessed with that mirror.

there was no link for it (murder laser side eye) but i think it could be an easy diy.

square shaped mirror and ceramic balls?

porcelain balls?

glue made from unicorns?



i love bunny williams's entire lamp collection for beeline home.

and while i would never pay 600 dollars for a wasp comb with some shards of glass shoved into it..




 i have about 3 wasp combs living on my house in the summer that i will mike will gather and shove glass into.


so..what are your thoughts on this long awaited lonny issue?