things and other things

hello! things to consider and discuss…


top of the heap is PRINTS. after a loooong contemplative mood wherein i decided and then undecided and then decided again and then undecided again i finally landed on DECIDED TO sell prints. for now we have two yummy irises to choose from. they come in 4 sizes, ranging from small (12 x 16) to the largest size (30 x 40) with a few inbetween. i plan on adding jellies and abstracts too in the very near future. hop over here to select.


i be on etsy a lot lately. considering fabric for curtains . this vintage chintz is at the top of the list. do we hate or love?


this sweet handmade afghan blanket is delightful.

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no sure how drunk i’d have to be to buy $135 incense but it sure does sound lovely.


i make this a lot and it is many stars.


had an in depth conversation with the girl who does my hair about how great these pants are (she was wearing them). they take a wee bit of breaking in but once they do they give your body a hug and your booty a POW.


your girl is in the market for a white bootie. these are leading the pack.. but ugh the price tag. (go on sale please)

ok then. until we meet again. (seriously tho go buy a print, and maybe that incense and send me a stick.)