a cold day in hell

i’m on my second cup of coffee now (it’s really just my first with a little more added because it gets cold so fast) which i drink with butter whizzed up in a food processor because cream just doesn’t agree with me and i will say the difference in how the coffee makes me feel is breathtaking. before the coffee just made me feel more tired and most of the time pretty nauseous. now the coffee is doing it’s job- waking me right the fuck up with no other side effects apart from greasy lips. i don’t know why this is and i don’t care at all.

sorry i haven’t written in over a month. i think i can explain. it feels overwhelming. that’s it. i try to i really do. i have ideas and so i gather images and log in to begin and then realize i just don’t have the time to do it and i abandon ship. in fact there is a GREAT chance i will delete this before it ever sees your screen. i’m gonna do my best.

what’s happening here you ask? well, house stuff has slowed to nothing. i have a game plan but i need more money to move an inch forward. thinking of selling feet pics. please advise. also i am already over my yellow living room and it hasn’t even been 3 full months. guess what though? i don’t care how anyone feels about that because i am always going to be this way about decorating. it’s who i am and believe me when i tell you there are so so so many worse things you can be. that said i am going to live with the yellow for a bit longer because i just can’t be bothered to change it.

next on the list of to do’s is get these sconces for the bathroom so that i can paint it (which we’ve discussed will be this color) and have a skirt made for the sink. then it’s the kitchen. i should actually fuel an entire other blog post on that subject. remind me to do that ok?

so after that it’s all of the fun little things….a shower curtain for the hall bath. (help i hate them all) and a skirt for that sink too….

like this-

i can do a velcro situation by myself! rejoice!

anyway, that’s where we stand on all of that.

i am making the turkey, gravy, stuffing and cranberries this year and taking it over to mike’s house for thanksgiving. our parents are coming and we’ll all be together and i am thankful that that doesn’t at all feel weird.

i’m basically doing what allison roman tells me to do as i do every year. here’s her thanksgiving special if you have an hour to kill. otherwise here are the turkey, stock and gravy recipes. and the stuffing recipe.

i’d be lying if i said i wasn’t dying to tell you all the things i have been bookmarking that i can’t wait to buy-

this scented oval for the inside of the cabinet that holds my towels. what a little luxury that will surely spark so much joy that your face catches on fire every time you go to grab a towel.

anna spiro’s new book which i don’t think is available til february but you can pre order it here. ebay seems to have a few copies now. i dunno, maybe you don’t get their copies til february either?

i made this the other day and it was SOOOOOOOO good. i will be making it again. i feel like it’s the perfect christmas eve dinner. it takes a while to cook but that’s hands off time. you do have to finely chop a few carrots, a leek and a bulb of fennel but that’s the worst of it. unless you count the money you have to spend on saffron. but honestly v v worth it.

quick question….who’s still there and do you want gift guides? seriously- raise your hand.

and lastly- i have 2 sets of bowls on sale here. they make great gifts and each purchase helps me to afford saffron.

my god guys!! i did it! i saw it through. maybe sunday is my day?