i'm ok

SUPER sorry for leaving that devastating post up wo any word for so long.

after a solid week of this-

i’m doing much better. it helps that she is having the time of her life. i say that with my full chest. she is in love with it all. great roommates, art school vibes, a beautiful, new city to explore…she hasn’t called once sad or anxious. that is saying something. and i feel incredibly lucky that that is our story right now. i am heading down to see her this weekend and i am excited for her to lead the way.

anyway…let’s get back to the good stuff.

my friend made this soup the other night and it was crazy crazy good. i would a million percent make it again.

this one looks good too. it’s soup season!!

molly baz’s bolognese is on my list too.

i love this little clip lamp.

if i won the lottery i would buy this house immediately. and this mattress.

look at these cute little rugs.

but the maple fudge is trash.