my birthday and my favorites

yep friends.

it's my birthday.

i have already opened my jacquie lawson E card of a dog digging in some ivy and shit.

i have already opened my cookbook present.

and now i present to you some of my favorite rooms that i like for long time...



i still love you domino purple and black and peach room.






not sure how i'll feel about you in a few years but i like you a lot right now.



the chairs with the books and the gray.....good.



i have the exact same doors.  even the knobs.  except only one of mine is black..

bc i am a lazy asshole who needs to be karate chopped.

in any case i LOVE this entrance hall area place.



yard gathering.






stop the madness.



 best kitchen ever i think.


yes. for sure.



this bathroom shreds my heart into pulled-heart sandwiches.



nursery finery.




triple hearts club.



this sings to my inner rainmain.



a big, striped hug.



and so began my love of rust velvet.



and so began my love of blue velvet.



englishy forever.



yes.  i would suck on a chicken pox lolli-pop just to call this my sickbed.







that's enough.

there's like a thousand more but i got bored.





for those of you pulling your oils i have some updates...

i feel better.

more energy.

sleeping like a horse after a race.


i am zitty.

i am pretty sure that it's just wine and nutella coming out of my skin.

oh and i have the weirdest taste in my throat...

like old boogers.


anyone else?

i know zdub got a bloody nose.





old hippie birthday farts,