i haven't painted anything since early fall.
i'm ready.
this weekend is 'posed to be warm.
see these french doors..
i'm gonna do it to my french doors.
i think it will be dumb.
i also need to see a man about some upholstery..
these chairs:
(shut it about the flash newell..it's just for science)
are going to be outfitted in lavender velvet..
there are going to be new pillows afoot as well..
a few in rust velvet like these:
and these:
and these:
only imagine them now against the lavender velvet..
maybe with a little of this somewhere..
heartbreakingly good.
that door painting is going to be a motherfarting pain in my butthole.
but it will be so major awesome.
i don't know why i didn't think of it before.
watch this at least 10 times:
found via meares.