what the shit?? no post yesterday?

yeah, sorry about that.

i was busy. 

busy painting a friends house.

not busy painting my doors.

i have painted one door though..

i took "professional advice" and decided against taping all 120 panes of glass.

the word is that you can just easily scrape the paint away with a razor blade.

well, the word 'easily' sold me pretty hard.

(not my door)



scraping paint off windows is not easy.


one PANE, both sides took me almost a half an hour,

and it took paint off the edge of the door where the window meets the pane, so i will have to go back and touch all that shit up.

this one door will take me 15 hours to scrape, then another 1-2 hours to touch up.


over the next few days i will be taping the rest of the windows with frog tape.

the whole reason i didn't want to tape them in the first place was bc i knew it would take me forever.

*punches self in face


holy shit it's friday

as stated earlier i am painting my french doors black this weekend. 

preparations have already begun.

good news is i can basically paint away without worrying about the glass bits.

a razor blade is going to be my friend in this later on.

surely the only other person who utters those words is charlie sheen. 


happy friday fuckers.


may your weekend bring you a bit of this:

or this:



for sure this:

and these:


i love you.

and will update with pictures of doors as soon as they are done.



i miss paint fumes

 i haven't painted anything since early fall. 

i'm ready.

this weekend is 'posed to be warm.

see these french doors..

i'm gonna do it to my french doors.

i think it will be dumb.


i also need to see a man about some upholstery..

these chairs:

(shut it about the flash newell..it's just for science)

are going to be outfitted in lavender velvet..


there are going to be new pillows afoot as well..

a few in rust velvet like these:


and these:



and these:

only imagine them now against the lavender velvet..

maybe with a little of this somewhere..

heartbreakingly good.


that door painting is going to be a motherfarting pain in my butthole.

but it will be so major awesome.

i don't know why i didn't think of it before.



watch this at least 10 times:

found via meares.


bathroom updates and bench lowdowns..

 for now i went with the stripping, sanding and a light coat of paste wax:

i like it.

fabric and upholstery soon.

at which point i may decide i want to paint it anyway.


the bathroom:

pink sea salt happened

as did new swing arm lighting:


it's ok...

you don't have to tell me how cool i am that i went with the most non traditional lighting choice for the bathroom.  i am aware of my coolness.


still to come:

a new mirror.

a rug. or two..

some more hardware hangings.


maybe if i'm lucky some window treats.


who wants a knucklesandwich?



i made progress today.

no fabric was shopped.

but that's bc a friend told me about metallic linen.


i know.

me too.

so i am holding out for the fabric fairies (you) to lead me in the general direction of it's whereabouts.

the wood is looking puh-retty!

it still needs another round of stripping..

but i am really happy with it so far.


proud and somewhat birdbrained looking face..

in my defense it was 4000 degrees outside and i almost fainted from fumes twice.

also this is no makeup and no shower and no hair washing for 3 days.

i am grosser than gross at all times.


but i have looked at this room at least 5 times today...

if you are cool like me then you are super excited about the return of america's next top model tonight.

i might recap it.

or i might not.