let's enjoy mr. miles for a second..
would you ever think to go sconce-lamp side by side?
do you paint your ceiling liquid blue?
i am itching to copy that painting.
i could do it.
when deciding on an interior door color why doesn't anyone but miles consider baby poop color?
this room is masterclass.
no one but miles can get away with a fucking pilar and a 3 ft tall vase in a room this small.
you would never think of it.
admit it.
not miles. but certainly awesome:
curious...was this a table turned ottoman or custom made from found antique legs?
that blue velvet is killing me. i am considering deep blue velvet for one of my frenchy poo chairs and hot pink velvet for the other one.
how different this room is from miles' work.
i love it equally.
images via miles and la lampshade