jenna lyons again

i posted a while back about jenna lyons’ teeth. we discussed why she waited so long to get her chompers fixed. which by the way -5 stars. those things are so perfect they’re freakish. and since then we have learned she is to be among the new cast of the real housewives of new york. a fact that i am on the fence about. on the one hand she’s definitely interesting in that she’s rich, has accomplished stuff, knows people and is a big tall lesbian that maybe also likes weiner? jk i really have no idea. also who isn’t these days?

on the other hand i long for the original cast plus kelly bensimon (i mean just watch her instagram stories on any given day). don’t get me wrong i will absolutely watch the new RHONY if only for jenna lyons’ apartment.

she annoys slightly yes? which probably means i will like her.

i would never leave that bedroom.

it's been a minute sorry let's catch up

i promise i want to show up here more. but i feel overwhelmed most of the time so i try and just do nothing when i can rather than come from a “make today your bitch” mindset. bitch please. make today nothing. also i had covid and that was major. my covid wasn’t major but it did last a while and that felt major. that whole negative smell thing is something isn’t it? i had mad vertigo during covid. so much so that on a trip to trader joes it was so bad that i had a panic attack that put me in an ambulance in the middle of a busy street with a blood pressure of 179/96. i’m ok now and all is well but woowee that was something.

i have a november catalogue in the works. since september i have been dedicated to making a monthly catalogue which is a combination of new work and the inspirational images (we still love those) that inspires it. kind of like the new version of the monthly moodboards i did for years. so keep an eye out for that.

i am working on holiday gift guides but still figuring out the best way to go about them that fits into my do nothing approach to life. that probably means i’ll make one or two thoughtful and considered guides.

also working on a holiday release of small floral studies for gifts. you’re welcome. no one hates flowers.

i’m having a sale on everything in my shop right now. no code. it’s already discounted. check it out here.

and lastly….this sweater. 35 bucks. it exceeds expectations. it’s oversized so keep that in mind. i got a medium and it fits like a roomy large. it’s exactly the fit i wanted. also it says beige but it’s ever so slightly pink and i am thrilled about it. i plan on wearing it with a slip skirt. (slip dress works here too) with socks and clogs. fucking great.

parting thought-

marukan seasoned rice vinegar is a great salad dressing on it’s own.

like you don’t even need oil. not that oil is bad, it isn’t. and by all means add some i’m just telling you your salad doesn’t need it.

ok then. see ya later.

i'm fine. let's look at etsy.

indulge me my dramatic writings please. my life looks very different since you first met me. (who’s doesn’t i know.) sometimes an essay just hits me and so i write it. i appreciate all of you so so sosssoooosssososososso much. thank you for your sweet, supportive comments. they always ease my suffering. <—— not sarcasm.

moving on…

i haven’t bought myself anything just for me that i didn’t desperately need (makeup that’s run out, bras with busted clasps…you get the idea) in well over a year. it’s not because i am called to suffering, it’s because i am poor.

these are some things i want to buy or just like. whatever. I’ve decided it’s ok to want things.

without hesitation i can tell you i would look like an oozing caterpillar but this is FOR SURE that thing you wear that everyone asks where you got and you say etsy and they groan a little like etsy means a handmaid made it.

this one is just as good. this one too.

just a cute little cup for a toothbrush.

i think these are just great. i’d mix ‘em up.

i really enjoy this lampshade too.

this one also. the fringe is so fun.

mystery t-shirts! you just order your size and whether you want 1,2,3 4..etc in your order and they pick them and send them to you. that’s pretty cool. remember the thrill of the lifesaver boxes you’d get at christmas, not knowing which one was in theret? that feeling. that’s where it’s at.

just an assortment of levi 501s. pick your size and wash.

i clearly love a surprise. a good one. not a terrible one.

a big lump with knobs


there are days where i struggle so much i imagine that things would be easier if i weren’t here. easier on me of course. because ain’t nothing easier than an irish goodbye. i won’t off myself or anything. i wouldn’t even know how. what am i gonna do stab myself? has anyone ever stabbed themselves to death??? hang on let me google that…..brb.

there are EIGHT reported cases.

well i’m not surprised only 8 people successfully unalived themselves with a knife. probably the same knife they used to chop onions. honestly that would be a pretty sobering thought in the midst of trying to stab myself- how many vegetables have i chopped with this knife in an attempt to eat healthier?

anyway. i can’t stop singing the corn song, which if that isn’t validation that i’m gonna be ok i don’t know what is. also i’m gonna be ok.