we can either talk about this or my diarrhea..

so yeah, lonny OCT/NOV came out yesterday..

lot's of you have pointed out to me that you hate the blogosphere when this happens bc it's all anyone posts about.

i haven't seen any other posts about it yet, other than raina's..

if you haven't even seen it yet, then go away from here and go visit lonny and look at it.

then email me private like so we can talk about my diarrhea instead. cuz you know it's what i really want to talk about.  and come back here anyway so you can see my favorites.



it's good.  really really rully good.

in fact i have nothing bad to say.

i mean, yes there is some trellis here and some pattern explosion there but i loved it anyway..

loved it lots.

if i have anything negative to say it would be to lonny as a whole...

more kitchens please.

not one kitchen in this issue. not many kitchens in any of the issues..



the best...

just now noticed the art in the middle of the wall is a canvas painted the same color as the wall.

cool.  it works.  this is lulu dk's house. and it was all very very pretty. 

i am a whore for sconces and also for dressers as nightstands.  



this is a hotel somewhere and i want to go to it.

the view makes up for the baby tub.



what what?  

look at that little chrome chair and that giant highboy hutch thing beyond...

i have been looking on craigslist for quite sometime for one of those.

they are usually too expensive even for craigslist.

plus i have no room for one.





this is palmer weiss's dining room

it's very sweet, and simple and still minimal enough to make it modern. 

it's very attainable looking.




this is john robshaw's connecticut country house..

it's sooo not typical country house fodder.

it's fucking amazing and i die for it.

homey loves to hang a textile.



kind of want fiona's room to look exactly like this one.

also j. robshaw's house.



but my fave fave FAVORITE in the bunch was celerie kemble's  central park highrise...

this bathroom speaks to me on many levels..the wallpaper, the matching painted trim, the sconces, the sweet little towel bar.  i have searched high and low for a cute, SMALL towel bar.  but more than anything i can't think of a more appropriate collection of art than EXPLODING volcanos!!

esp. today....

email me for diarrhea details.




ok so the tribal dudes flanking the buffet are kind of scary they are also very kind of cool and this whole dining room is fantastic.  very rich and luxurious, but not at all stuffy or uninviting.  this is what a formal dining room should be.



velvet delites.

cozy, inviting, fun, warm...


way to go michelle and patrick and everyone involved with this issue.

i hope you continue on this winning streak of awesomeness.


what are your thoughts on this issue, readers?