snow smarts, lonny and that bitch jillian michaels..

we are on day 3 of no school due to snow and ice in georgia. 

it doesn't help that the entire state of georgia has 11 snow plows to work through this shit.

that's just not snow smarts.

just like new orleans didn't practice hurricane smarts a few years ago. 

if it can happen it will happen.

so buy some more fucking snow plows georgia!


can i just say that if mom's were in charge of the universe there would never be a shortage of snowplows.


so.. thanks non- mom dummies.


i have had -10 hours on my computer while my child has had +72 hours.

i tried to take advantage of the down time by working out with jillian michaels.

he she is scary.


i am pretty sure this is an early picture of her:

which makes her mad to think about.

so seeing your fat makes her murderish.


i work out 4-5 days a week. so i am no stranger to exercise.

but every time i do what this woman tells me to 

there is major body trauma.

so now i feel like i was in a car accident.



thank god for lonny.

you came just in time yesterday.

i poured a glass of wine and stuck my foot in fiona's behind and told her to get the F out.

not really.

(no really!)

here's what i liked:

simple, thoughtful, layered,  not over-decorated.


tolix, a view, boxwoods and my most favorite bit- the lavender lilacs with the yellow dish.  probably a happy accident.


serge, view, california..


cozy and collected.  but not cluttered. 

(after looking at this image again, i realized i would like it better wo all the fornasetti. not a big fan of it.)


no lucite. no parsons. no gallery art.  WIN!


surprised how well all of this works together. 


love. everything. 



LOVE the pendant.


happy, comfy, pretty.  




the bed the bed the bed the bed!




wouldn't change a thing.


lonny thoughts you?


lonny * * * spoilers

my december lonny experience was delightful.

and let me say that i think a holiday issue every year is in order.


highlights for me were as follows:

always a sucker for black painted furniture and small space scenarios done well.


appealing to my penal side. 



cooking appeal.



while not able to adorn my coffee table with moss, twigs, pomegranates and cookies perched in bowls of sugar for the holidays bc of 4 cats who would tear that shit up and then die-  i think it is perfectly delightful.  


everything is just lovely.  

down to the floral arrangement.


bookcase of the day.


merry christmas lonny.

thank you.


we can either talk about this or my diarrhea..

so yeah, lonny OCT/NOV came out yesterday..

lot's of you have pointed out to me that you hate the blogosphere when this happens bc it's all anyone posts about.

i haven't seen any other posts about it yet, other than raina's..

if you haven't even seen it yet, then go away from here and go visit lonny and look at it.

then email me private like so we can talk about my diarrhea instead. cuz you know it's what i really want to talk about.  and come back here anyway so you can see my favorites.



it's good.  really really rully good.

in fact i have nothing bad to say.

i mean, yes there is some trellis here and some pattern explosion there but i loved it anyway..

loved it lots.

if i have anything negative to say it would be to lonny as a whole...

more kitchens please.

not one kitchen in this issue. not many kitchens in any of the issues..



the best...

just now noticed the art in the middle of the wall is a canvas painted the same color as the wall.

cool.  it works.  this is lulu dk's house. and it was all very very pretty. 

i am a whore for sconces and also for dressers as nightstands.  



this is a hotel somewhere and i want to go to it.

the view makes up for the baby tub.



what what?  

look at that little chrome chair and that giant highboy hutch thing beyond...

i have been looking on craigslist for quite sometime for one of those.

they are usually too expensive even for craigslist.

plus i have no room for one.





this is palmer weiss's dining room

it's very sweet, and simple and still minimal enough to make it modern. 

it's very attainable looking.




this is john robshaw's connecticut country house..

it's sooo not typical country house fodder.

it's fucking amazing and i die for it.

homey loves to hang a textile.



kind of want fiona's room to look exactly like this one.

also j. robshaw's house.



but my fave fave FAVORITE in the bunch was celerie kemble's  central park highrise...

this bathroom speaks to me on many levels..the wallpaper, the matching painted trim, the sconces, the sweet little towel bar.  i have searched high and low for a cute, SMALL towel bar.  but more than anything i can't think of a more appropriate collection of art than EXPLODING volcanos!!

esp. today....

email me for diarrhea details.




ok so the tribal dudes flanking the buffet are kind of scary they are also very kind of cool and this whole dining room is fantastic.  very rich and luxurious, but not at all stuffy or uninviting.  this is what a formal dining room should be.



velvet delites.

cozy, inviting, fun, warm...


way to go michelle and patrick and everyone involved with this issue.

i hope you continue on this winning streak of awesomeness.


what are your thoughts on this issue, readers?


lonny post

"i'm hoppin' mad!"



so yesterday i was working on a lonny post around the time i was also cooking dinner (fucking multitasking!!)

i hit the save button so that my halibut wouldn't overcook and went to attend to my dinner.

so i picked up my blackberry and saw that i had posted???


i still don't quite understand squarespace.

can anyone out there who uses squarespace tell me how to save a post without posting it so that i can work on it over a period of time??

 i ran to my desk and had to remove the whole thing which will just delete the post.

so i have to start over.

which i will.

 sorry if you're all...holy shit where did that lonny post go? this is all way too harry potter for me.

it will be back today i promise.




have you had your lonnotomy yet?

that's what happens when you experience lonny magazine. you look thru the "pages" and your heart starts racing and your palms start sweating and you walk around your house and TRY TO MAKE SHIT LOOK BETTER!!!!!!!! here is my quickie attempt to lonnify my house....

BAM! empty, dusty dresser got a throw, some lamps and flowers...
BAM!! mantle got some quirky english country love...
and cheap ikea chair got expensive lambskin throw...KAPOW!!!

come back here tomorrow for full disclosure on my favorite bits and least favorite bits.