we wish you a merry christmas!!


merry christmas and happy hanukkah to all of MFAMB's devoted readers.

thank you for making me a part of your day.



**beauty note (and i use that word verrry loosely)..absolutely zero effort was made on my part to look in any way cute or clean for that matter...and at my age, effort is what keeps you from looking like kim richards' toilet baby.


see u on the flippity flip.



december is so glittery

lots of things go down in december..


my birthday for one.

and also fiona's birthday..

and jesus's too.


a triumvirate of awesome if ever there was.


before you get your AHS recap (and it will be a doozy)

you need to chomp on this bit of glittery december goodness..




and for more moodboard magic visit tobe at because it's awesome so that you can see the living room i designed for her.  she bought a painting from me that i used as inspiration.




on the swishing front..

i am on day 4.

i have read that it's better to actually do it every day than to skip a day.

so..i changed my plan.

i woke up today with a headache and my eyes feel like suitcases.

how are you guys doing?


stay tuned for your recap..

and many thanks for the outpouring of awesome comments yesterday.

it was the lift i needed to bring you the dumbest recap possible.

i might even draw something.


glittery oil farts,

top image via atlanta homes mag

the day after christmas..

what are you doing?


did you have a good christmas?


fiona got a guitar:


it snowed on christmas...

 that is major.

i have lived here for 20+ years and it has never snowed on christmas..





the standing rib roast i made melted in our mouths..

my table was simple.

in fact, it was all i could do to throw a table cloth on it and light the candles..

but that meat up there was dumb.


shit got eaten though..

there were just 4 of us..

and we dined on roast beast,  pear and walnut salad and popovers:


and squidgy brownies:


 today has been slow.

it has snowed plenty.

it's too cold to play outside.

cats are curled up in balls on beds.

mike is watching football somewhere.

fiona is watching busytown mysteries..


i am ready to redecorate everything.


talk later?



it's friday, it's almost christmas and shit is getting done.

 yesterday i cleaned and organized my linen closet.

 i got rid of tons of old blankets, linens, decorative pillow covers etc..

i couldn't deal anymore with the mess.

and i never used any of it.

so to goodwill it goes.

this is the after...

that shit is organized!

this weekend i intend to sort out fiona's old toys and books that she has outgrown and take those to goodwill too.

christmas is coming and i cannot be a hoarder!


my domestic tendencies are in overdrive.

the bar is stocked...



this shit is in the oven right now..




there are crafty things afoot...


mini trees and christmas lights in jars...




if it's good enough for my girlfriend, it's good enough for me:


we are getting our tree tomorrow and i intend to decorate the balls out of EVERYTHING!!!

just wait.

it's gonna rule your face off.

nigella cake recipe here.

(you know you're going to make it)