love letter

the year was 2004.  

the last day of 2004 to be exact.

6 years ago today.

new year's eve will never be the same.

not that i ever held much reverence for this day to begin with.

it has always been a major let down, party-wise.

nope, today will forever be your birthday.

i can't think about sparkle makeup and champagne when i have to think about princess icing, the perfect wrapping paper for your presents and is all this going to be good enough?!

as i said, i am ok with it.

for i love you.

more than the earth and all it's undiscovered parts.

more than wine.





i love that you could really give two shits about princesses and would rather go as a vampire or a monster for halloween.


i love that you sing songs while you pee so no one hears you peeing.


i love that you have an imaginary friend named ziggy.

and i also understand that this is bc you are painfully shy and having ziggy makes you less so.


i love when you sing and dance bc you do it in a funny way, not a scary "america's got talent" way...


i love that you love to draw more than just about anything.

(and i have saved every single piece of paper you ever put a crayon, pencil, paint brush or marker to.)


today you are 6. 


such a big, funny, sweet, complicated, brilliant girl.

don't take things so seriously my darling..

life can stink like a thousand butts but you have to push through..

it always gets better.


i love you.

happy birthday.



dec. 20 - jan. 5

that's how long fiona is home for winter break.

that's 17 days.

we are only on day 9.

there has been lots of yelling, crying, sword fighting (not the fun kind) and drinking.

this is when being rich must be super awesome.

bc you can sort of go anywhere...










although i'm not gonna lie.

we would more than likely be here right now...

where would you go?

it's friday, it's almost christmas and shit is getting done.

 yesterday i cleaned and organized my linen closet.

 i got rid of tons of old blankets, linens, decorative pillow covers etc..

i couldn't deal anymore with the mess.

and i never used any of it.

so to goodwill it goes.

this is the after...

that shit is organized!

this weekend i intend to sort out fiona's old toys and books that she has outgrown and take those to goodwill too.

christmas is coming and i cannot be a hoarder!


my domestic tendencies are in overdrive.

the bar is stocked...



this shit is in the oven right now..




there are crafty things afoot...


mini trees and christmas lights in jars...




if it's good enough for my girlfriend, it's good enough for me:


we are getting our tree tomorrow and i intend to decorate the balls out of EVERYTHING!!!

just wait.

it's gonna rule your face off.

nigella cake recipe here.

(you know you're going to make it)