AHS recap: you better axe somebody.

the truth is i mostly wanted to punch this episode in it's cold, stiff, unyielding mound.

i thought it was all over the place and full of...."she's a witch..why didn't she do this?!"  or "zoe killed a pack of zombies last week...she can't take down anthony bourdain's axe-wielding brother with her hand?!"

that said there were definite creepy moments and a handful of plot turns and shit. 


and praise white witch yeezus..

THIS is happening!


so without further adoo doo in your voo doo..

let's recap:


the axeman is chopping people up in 1919 new orleans and that shit really happened

also he likes jazz and he will chop you up on a tuesday if you aren't playing it in your home.

i would've been so axed because jazz is the worst. 

thee girls

in the house of roblahblah,  a front and center meryl streep kid is all..

" we must not be thee docile or thee axeman will get thee and haven't we suffered enough with this thee women suffrage in thine lace collar club?"

what is this a 5th grade chekov play?

stab stab

but then when the axeman actually comes because FUCK jazz..

the lace collar club stabs the shit out of him. 

NOT ouija

back to present day and zoe is going through madison's things..

vodka, gun, rubbers etc..

when an old bottle guides the way into a closet full of photographs and a spirit board.

bottles are the easiest way for ghosts to point us in the direction of what we need to see don't you know.

 if i were a ghost (and i am) i would pick the board up and be all.."here dummy".



zoe serves up some absinthe to go along with the spirit summoning. 

queenie knows a thing or two about spirit boards and is like you don't know shit about this shit.

"contact and release" is the name of the game.

and don't release what..you..contact....or..something.

chemo cullen

meanwhile fiona is getting her chemo on and she has somehow developed the power of hearing thoughts. 

she gives us another career performance here.

i did this scene a few times and it was so melodramatic awful i was like..people are gonna think i am trying to get a part in something.

so i nixed it.


there wasn't a lot of fiona juice this week.

girl was broke down and full of sads. 


mystery inc.

nan and the rest of mystery incorporated are SUPER FUCKING SLEUTHS! 

pictures of old timey witches + an axeman website + the date he was murdered = THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING!!


they're using scooby senses instead of witch powers here, people!


contact no release

the supreme herself needs a ouija board- oops..i mean spirit board to ask (axe) the axeman where madison is.


she needs to ask a game to ask a ghost where another ghost is??!!


so spirit board tells her madison's in the attic.

why couldn't madison just tell nan?


up she goes into filch's stinky doll room.

upon finding madison's corpse in the chest

filch grabs her and we find out later that zoe defeated him by hitting him over the head with a doll. 

sigh. no witch powers needed. 

mums vs. roses

ol' acid eyes shows up in a very bad mood.

who can blame her?

what with all the ROSES IN THE ROOM!

hank touches her and she gets all flashy and sees "the redhead".

then fiona touches her and she sees "auntie myrtle".

at some point i think whoever threw acid on her is going to touch her and she'll "see" who did that too.  

spalding nugent

filch is channeling the nuge and getting interrogated by the clue crew.

nan tries to read his mind which is super dumb because WHY HASN'T SHE BEEN DOING THAT ALL ALONG?!
i mean she could have already solved the mystery of the EVERYTHING at this point.

filch has learned a trick or 2 over the years and he starts manipulating his own thoughts.

instead of the real thoughts, which would be fiona slitting madison's throat and filch rolling her up in the rug....he has pretend thoughts of necrophilia.  and "cold, stiff mounds".

and no, he's not talking about a winter baseball game.


over in stevie hollow misty is giving frankenkyle a bath (while simultaneously healing auntie myrtle in a mound of swamp water and alligator voodookie) when he starts flashing thoughts of his molesting mom so frankenkyle gets frankenfreaked and starts frankenruining things.

including misty's only stevie touchstone...her radio. 

zoe shows up and misty is like get him the frankenfuck out because he "broke stevie". 


i need a cigarette

down in cordelia's conservatory misty tries to "resurge" madison only since she's mostly decomposed it proves to be a bit of a challenge.

nothing a little stomach pumping and massaging can't fix.

after a spurtle of old, rusty blood and a cockroach emerge from her mouth, madison pops up and states, "i need a cigarette."


hank we have a problem

hank visits marie and is all "we have a problem".

and marie is all you're damn right we have a problem.

so we were right, hank is total bullshit.

despite looking like a 90's sitcom dad he is also a witch hunter.


not my tribe

later zoe asks misty to "stay the night." and "sleep in a bed for a change you disgusting swamp monster".

misty declines due to "bad vibes"


what bad vibes you ask?

no, not the bad vibes of 2 dead teenagers brought back to life...

ghost rape

these bad vibes.

so a ghost can hold you hostage, apparently. 

and touch your boobs.

the axeman having not been properly "released" by zoe decides to terrorize poor, old, blind cordelia.




as i said earlier..

zoe brought down an entire army of zombies using some "be in your nature" shit with her HAND!

her hand!!


wait a minute....!!!!

umm this one

hey that's a hand!

oh. nope. sorry.

she's just using it to dust a bookshelf. 


so she grabs a book to read some magic spell that will release a murderer into the streets at night?

albeit a ghost murderer, but still a murderer. 


and away he goes...


hey sexy lady

down the street to a bar.

where he "hey pretty lady"'s a freshly chemo'd fiona holding a fistful of hair. 


OH so many questions.

am i imagining this episode was not great?

was it great and i just missed something?


delphine was notably missing. 

i liked that we found out about hank...

and that madison is back..

but it just felt so silly. 

can we not acknowledge the fact that zoe brought down the zombies with her hand and some nature mantra?

i mean, come on.

it felt like 1 step forward 2 steps back. 


next week looks like queenie pays a visit to marie. 

but will fiona not smell the bullshit in the axeman's pockets?

will myrtle be ready for harvesting?

will her red hair be intact?

will madison remember?

fiona could erase that shit like she did those gravediggers in episode 2.





room of tears..aka the bathroom after mike drops potatoes aka where the pope keeps his box (that's what she said)



well friends..

it would appear ben is coming around.

it would also appear tate's peen is a horcrux for voldemort.



interesting theories abound in this epsidoe..

thank goodness.

since they blew their wads with all of our questions answered in last week's epsiode

it was cool of them to add in new head scratchers.



so grab your nitrous oxide cans and let's recap this fucker!


the screen tell us it's 1947..

a cab pulls up outside murder house and out walks mena subaru (slut from american pie.)

(american beauty whatever)

she mosies ('walking' in 1947) up to the front door and knocks.

some dentist opens the door.

we see her in his office and she's insinuating that he can have sex with her in exchange for some dental work.

that happend a lot back then.

women just didn't have their own money and life stuff.

essentially if you weren't married you were a hooker.


i just made that up but it's probably true.



the dentist tells her she needs to take the carnation out of her hair and she's all..

umm..it's a dahlia.


she's the black dahlia.


 a few moments later..

we see a woman walking her daughter in a stroller, the little girl goes..

"what's that mommy?"

"oh just a mannequin.. wait a seecc..."


yeah, not a mannequin.

just a human woman chopped in half wearing a glasgow smile,

looking like a tim burton movie.



 back in modern times..

hot moira is making the bed and ben is like stop acting like an asshole slut

and make my daughter a sandwich.

moira's like you know you want this

and ben's like, um yeah..kinda..but i can't bc i love my wife.

moira looks like someone just told her she looked like frances conroy with a lazy eye.

and ben's space in hell just got a little bit more comfortable.



next door constance is mainlining teascotch while she paints what i think was adam and eve only adam was a fucking horrifying monster with half of his face missing.

was it larry burny face?


in walks viggo boyfreinsen (aka travis) with his hair and face perfection.

constance tells him to go get her some smokes from the korean and to take the dog with him.


once outside we see crayden standing there.

she starts to talk to travis and is like let's do sex.

somewhere in a bed they are sexing each other and he's like..


i just came inside you.

and cray's like...who cares i can't get pregnant.

travis hi-5's his peen.

crayden says she just wanted to see if she could do it with a guy who's alive.



ghosts can fuck you.



next up is the introduction of crayden's bitch of a sister.

right off the bat she smells something fishy and it's not travis's weiner.

and then in walks crayden.

to defend her ben.

see look...i'm not dead or missing.

here i am.



ghosts are just like us.


crayden continues on with..oh, i love you and i was a crazy bitch..sorry for being such a crazy bitch.

i ended up getting that pesky abortion after all..blah blah blah..


then ben's in his office and in walks the black D.

she's trying her old song and dance numbah.

ben's like, do you have an appointment?

you're so pretty.

she's like..

i am?

she moves in for some sex.

ben sees the sex in his mind's sex eye.


then the phone rings and it's that slut ass bitch ass slut doctor. 

she's got some KABLAMMO to share..

viv's twins are the result of vitropaternachakalaka-something.

2 different baby daddies.


that is some soap opera shit if ever i did hear.


then constance storms into murder house with a bone to pick with violet.

she smelled some piznussy on her man and assumed it was violet.


come on constance...you's smarter than that.


moira's like, hey guess what!?

mrs. harmon's babies have 2 different dads!


constance storms off looking for tate.

she knoooooows!!

a mother knows!

she finds tate in the basement (of course)

and proceeds to beat him about the head and neck like a mom boss.



back in ben's office ghost lesbian love is happening all over the couch.

oh ben.

even i would have given you a pass here.

jump in there!

shit like that NEVER happens in real life.


but alas..

ben is changing right before our eyes.

he tells black D to get out and moira that she's fired.


a few minutes later cray cray saunters in and wins best condescender...

telling black D all about how famous she really is.


we flashback to the dentist's office..

black D is in the chair and

 the dentist is on top of her like a honey badger..

taking what it wants.

only she's still wearing the nitrous mask or whatever it is..

(that i could use around here)

 he finishes up and then tries to wake her only..

guess what stupid???

she's dead.

not to worry here comes ghost doctor charles  

to cut her into scraps.



 the ghosts can kill.



how did cray know this?


moving on..

ben is visting viv in her concentration camp style room.

i am close to certain that he's about to tell viv that he believes that she was raped and how sorry he is and please let me get you out of here..

sadly he doesn't actually think any of this.

instead he calls her a slutty slut.



ben and cray get drunk in a bar.

blah blah you're so funny when you dance..

this song is so white...blah blah..

i have a crush..

blah blah..


then poof they are in the gazebo.

cray's like..it's written in the stars 



written in the stars=foreshaddowing 


ben's like..nah..i don't love you.

crayden's like..whaaaaa???!!!

 then you should know that some black guy has been hanging around your house a lot. 


she just planted the morris chestnut seed.



meanwhile constance wants to get married and have a baby with travis.

constance's most not smartest moment.

he says oh man..that's lame and gay.

i'm way too awesome to not be famous.

constance is superpissed and says he's no man and that he'll never be famous.



more foreshaddowing.



travis is so mad he needs to hate fuck crayden.

cray stabs him repeatedly.

nobody hate fucks crayden.


then a gaggle of ghosts appears in the basement to decide what to do with trav's corpse.

dr. charles is like..i know JUST what to do with him!

i will slice him black dahlia style.


cut to a bunch of brothers somewhere not so safe looking playing basketball..

one of them chases a runaway ball right to travis's sliced up remains..


and just like that travis is FAMOUS!!!!!


next we see constance visting viv in cell block slut.

constance asks about the baby.

bab-IES! corrects viv.

constance is all..i am a champ at raising kids.

viv plays the sick card and tells constance to FO.

constance says that being doubted ravages the soul.


viv suddenly has a change of heart and tells her that she was raped.

but don't tell the fam...

they need to think i've seen the error of my crazy brain eating ways.

constance zips up her mouth and throws away the key.

which is bullshit for...bitch i will rat you out in a minute and steal your babies.



 next we see smoke-when-i'm-stressed-ben fiddling with the rent-a-cop alarm and in walks

morris chestnuts (resting in my open mouth)

looking all chestnutty.

ben smokes his way through a stupid speech about luke being the father of one of viv's babies.

luke proceeds to put that m'fer in his place saying..no i shoot blanks but should that baby be mine i damn sure would take care of it, but it's not and what do you care anyway you just called your wife a liar and a whore.

peace out.



ben stands holding rubber suit mask in his hands when moira rounds the corner with all her lazy sexy come-on's...

seriously i love the way she barely tries by the end of this episode.

ben asks moira if she saw anything weird..

she's like who cares?

you're a douchebag.

he admits to maybe making a horrible mistake about his wife..

and then my jaw dropped a little bc young moira became old moira..

she says.."you're finally starting to see things as they are"..

which is to say he sees a wrinkly old slut instead of a young hot slut.


and then shit starts to get REALLY weird..


next door constance and the craigslist psychic are having some cake and tea.


the rest of the show goes down like this:


constance: can ghosts have babies?

billie ray psychic: (shrugs) mmnknow.

but the pope has a magic box. it's in the chamber of secrets and 

the secret is the end of days.

indiana jones: no. you're thinking about the holy grail and the temple of doom.

harry potter: no it's the sorcerer's stone and it's in the 3rd floor ladies room.

constance: would you two like some bundt cake?

indiana jones and harry potter: yes, please. 

billie ray psychic: NO YOU TOTAL SLUTS!  i'm talking about the immaculate conception with the devil's dong. 

voldemort: yes. exactly.

constance: smell this bundt cake voldy..

voldemort: i can't i don't have a nose.


 and scene.


what say you? 

how do you feel about the religious angle being thrown in?

a part of me is like, that is the only way to go bc it leaves things in such a could be/couldn't be scenario. 

plus nothing's more controversial than religion.

and then the good and evil aspect doesn't get more literal than this.


spill it sluts!