halloween costume of the day..


jane eyre.


now how to convince a 6 year old girl to be an abused and penniless orphan who sees ghosts and who's best and only friend dies of consumption at a young age leaving her all alone and then moves into a haunted castle as governess where she falls in love with a man who eventually asks her to marry him only to find he is married to someone else at which point she leaves broken hearted and travels through england trading her clothes for food, comes back to the castle only to find it burned to the ground and the love of her life blind and cuhraaaazeeee.


should be easy enough.




one of my super fresh secrets announced on FRIDAY!!!

c'mon back.



and tomorrow i will choose a best dream winner with my bare hands!!

so also come back tomorrow. and friday. 

so come back both days.

but really come back every day.




 costume available here.


so many secrets..

 i'm like the secret keeper of secret island.


yesterday i had a photoshoot.

mostly for the blog..new look coming soon.

but also for something kinda cool and contest-y and funola.

stay tuned for more info on that..


here are a few of our favorites..

that's a lot of boob.



i love this one if i didn't have more than one neck fat roll and chins and eye luggage.

i am clutching HB for you newelly.




i am totes naked.

and now probably the owner of butt lice.


where i am posing in these photos is a clue to another surprise that i will tease you with again on monday but totally fill you in next friday.







photography lords of sapelo


me over hurr and over tharr


today i am over at pregnant chassity blog where i fashioned a moodboard out of sticks and glue and meat scraps.

just kidding...

it's a cute nursery that you should see.

so go



and then if that weren't awesome enough..

i was featured as one of the 5 interior design blogs that the folks at williams sonoma can't live without.


for real.

go read it and see who the others are...



ok then. happy monday.





lonny delights

 the whole thing was ass kicking..

but this was my favorite:

love love love love love love love love love




so creamy!

even though i would run faster than madonna from hydrangeas to snatch those wordy crown pillows off that couch and burn them to the ground.




thank you a lot for all the advice yesterday.

some really good stuff in there.

i am for sure going to paint the inside black and lady meares has sold me on a screen.

but i might actually give the painted logs a try since i have so many MFing logs.

why not right?

i will totes take pictures for you and then punch myself in the face for saying "totes".


and lastly..

i have something awesome to share with you and i cannot share it with you yet.




go read lonny if u haven't. 

p.s. for even more of the home above go here