

all A's.



new lantern.

inside top painted gold.

taking pictures in the morning is dumb.



"violet" 24 x 30



virus diet tips:

1. contract a virus.

2. take 2 bites of everything.

3. stop working out for 2 weeks.

4. lay down a lot.




let's recap..



1. kim is moving in with tom sizemore



2. kyle cries 



bc the meth is burning her eyes..



3. taylor nominates herself for a "women in business" award..

and loses yaaaay!!!!


4. lisa's not invited..



5. kyle's house went from the back room at cost plus world market to the back room at rachel ashwell.

either that or she raided lisa's basement...



 6. lisa has a princess tea party for tv purposes just for fun!!


 taylor speaks her mind..


all over the place..



she calls it "speaking the truth"

i call it "straight trippin"



also today is fiona's school thanksgiving feast.

we are bringing chik-fil-a.






lonny delights

 the whole thing was ass kicking..

but this was my favorite:

love love love love love love love love love




so creamy!

even though i would run faster than madonna from hydrangeas to snatch those wordy crown pillows off that couch and burn them to the ground.




thank you a lot for all the advice yesterday.

some really good stuff in there.

i am for sure going to paint the inside black and lady meares has sold me on a screen.

but i might actually give the painted logs a try since i have so many MFing logs.

why not right?

i will totes take pictures for you and then punch myself in the face for saying "totes".


and lastly..

i have something awesome to share with you and i cannot share it with you yet.




go read lonny if u haven't. 

p.s. for even more of the home above go here




i am pleased (beyond really) that she got bought up.

and in fact the ladypants who bought her sent pics and i photoshopped it into her house and it looks fantastic in there.

she probably wouldn't be cool with me showing her living quarters to everybody so you'll just have to trust me.

and...i know...

as asshole-y as it is to just start painting one day and be all pleased with yo'self- i am still pleased with myself.

and am a TOTAL asshole.


sadly i will not be doing a turds recap this week.

i am leaving for the beach on thursday morning and i simply do not have the time to do it.

i didn't even watch it.

but i do know that berkus was the guest judge and i am working on his CeLeBriTy FRRAgRance.

so far the scent is a healthy dose of leather and a hint of MFAMB secretions from my own private distillery.


i promise a recap next week.


sorry for the late post.

i am busy packing and being arty and more famous.




what do you do when your 6 year old decides purple isn't her favorite color anymore 2 days before you start painting her walls a smokey lavender?

instead choosing green as her favorite color?




well if you're me you fashion a mood board real quick like the wing-ed owls of ga'hoole..

the right green is key.

i am scared i will fuck this part up royally.

it needs to be grassy with a side of mint, but not too pale.

i want it to pack some punch.  but a muddy, subtle punch.



those pagoda-ish side tables are getting gotten on sunday for the earth-shattering low price of $45.

the headboard for $75.

painting will commence thursday....


 as for your design turd recap-

well that is NOT coming on the wing-ed owls of ga'hoole.

more like the slow trot of a lame cathy horse.

school starts tomorrow and i have a lot of last minute stuff to do.

most of it will involve hugging my soon to be 1st grader.


look for your recap on wednesday.


word to your turd bird nerd curd,

wake up everybody..it's that dick monday calling!

i hope eveyone had a stellar weekend!


here are some thoughts i am having.

1. fiona is home with me all week which means nothing i plan to happen will fully happen.


2. my period about killed me yesterday.


3.  it's so hot here that the inside of my air conditioned house feels like the inside of guy fieri's butthole.


4.  i generally smell awful at all times (see #3)


5. this is weird and beautiful..

fiona: (knock knock) come outside mommy come outside mommy come outside mommy come outside mommy..

everyone else: we can see you!



6. i can't stop staring at this:


7. the turds are tonight.

recap coming tomorrow.

hopefully (see #1)








 i am on the hunt for wing chairs for my dining room like these..


i think i found them..






i leave for the beach next week so look out for butt updates and bathing suit tears (that's 'tears' as in eye water not 'tears' as in to my perineum when i gave birth)

let's just say that i do not look like this:


a little more like this:


this week will be slow going bc of my race to work out more and eat less.

plus i have 2 recaps to do this week.

you will all have to be satisfied with these things or i will punch you in the buttguts.


i love you all like a fat girl (me) loves everything (but herself). 




mountain updates, i'm in a magazine and guest blogging!

first up, i had a great time in the mountains.

no one ate me.

i ate awesome food though and gained probably 415 lbs.

fiona turned into the devil.

camera broke but video happened.

supermike will make it right.

came home and pollen ate my face.


in other news..

MFAMB is mentioned in a magazine!


 its not elle decor or world of interiors.

but instead its more awesome!!

it's do it yourself magazine..


apparently jessica thomas thinks i'm awesome...



thanks jessica!

go get the magazine, her condo redo is inspiring.


and last but not least i am guest blogging about springtime over at peppermint bliss!!


a big thank you to jessica for the mention. i will love you forever.

and thanks to debra for the heads up. i will love you forever too.