black friday deals. big fucking deals. big fucking deal? big fart death? sorry.

seriously though are you a black friday deals person? i think it’s a great thing honestly. especially for the big things. the things you need but need a deal on ya know? like a mattress. and a roomba. and a vacuum and a computer.

maybe you need these things too…or someone you love maybe?

i do not have an air fryer. i confess i probably would use it once and be like, why did i get this? BUT….i will see something on tik tok (you too?) and be like…daaaaaaaamn i wish i had an air fryer right now. so maybe just get one already.

ok i’ve had one of these for over 20 years and it’s still in excellent condition and i never regret owning it. as hefty as it is. it was a gift too. so….if someone is asking for one they are probably quite certain of that.

and on that note i also have one of these and i make almost everything in it. it’s an especially great size for making rice that comes out perfect every time.

i personally think a roomba would make an excellent gift. pet owners in particular. i haven’t heard one person say something bad about it. i know there are haters i’m just saying no one i KNOW has said anything bad about it. also want snuggie to ride it so…

yes i need a mattress. no time like black friday. tuft and needle has excellent reviews. but honestly i don’t even care at this point i’d maybe get a mattress off the street corner. not really. tuft and needle mattresses are currently 30% off.

what about a ring doorbell cam? got a creepy neighbor? i do. or maybe a herd of raccoons that keep eating all your cat food? catch those trash pandas in the act! just in time to go outside and hand feed them instead. (or hug!!!

not sure why i don’t have an air purifier yet. this is in me cart.

or you could black friday yourself a whole heap of christmas…with these, or this. or choose your favorite.

a cold day in hell

i’m on my second cup of coffee now (it’s really just my first with a little more added because it gets cold so fast) which i drink with butter whizzed up in a food processor because cream just doesn’t agree with me and i will say the difference in how the coffee makes me feel is breathtaking. before the coffee just made me feel more tired and most of the time pretty nauseous. now the coffee is doing it’s job- waking me right the fuck up with no other side effects apart from greasy lips. i don’t know why this is and i don’t care at all.

sorry i haven’t written in over a month. i think i can explain. it feels overwhelming. that’s it. i try to i really do. i have ideas and so i gather images and log in to begin and then realize i just don’t have the time to do it and i abandon ship. in fact there is a GREAT chance i will delete this before it ever sees your screen. i’m gonna do my best.

what’s happening here you ask? well, house stuff has slowed to nothing. i have a game plan but i need more money to move an inch forward. thinking of selling feet pics. please advise. also i am already over my yellow living room and it hasn’t even been 3 full months. guess what though? i don’t care how anyone feels about that because i am always going to be this way about decorating. it’s who i am and believe me when i tell you there are so so so many worse things you can be. that said i am going to live with the yellow for a bit longer because i just can’t be bothered to change it.

next on the list of to do’s is get these sconces for the bathroom so that i can paint it (which we’ve discussed will be this color) and have a skirt made for the sink. then it’s the kitchen. i should actually fuel an entire other blog post on that subject. remind me to do that ok?

so after that it’s all of the fun little things….a shower curtain for the hall bath. (help i hate them all) and a skirt for that sink too….

like this-

i can do a velcro situation by myself! rejoice!

anyway, that’s where we stand on all of that.

i am making the turkey, gravy, stuffing and cranberries this year and taking it over to mike’s house for thanksgiving. our parents are coming and we’ll all be together and i am thankful that that doesn’t at all feel weird.

i’m basically doing what allison roman tells me to do as i do every year. here’s her thanksgiving special if you have an hour to kill. otherwise here are the turkey, stock and gravy recipes. and the stuffing recipe.

i’d be lying if i said i wasn’t dying to tell you all the things i have been bookmarking that i can’t wait to buy-

this scented oval for the inside of the cabinet that holds my towels. what a little luxury that will surely spark so much joy that your face catches on fire every time you go to grab a towel.

anna spiro’s new book which i don’t think is available til february but you can pre order it here. ebay seems to have a few copies now. i dunno, maybe you don’t get their copies til february either?

i made this the other day and it was SOOOOOOOO good. i will be making it again. i feel like it’s the perfect christmas eve dinner. it takes a while to cook but that’s hands off time. you do have to finely chop a few carrots, a leek and a bulb of fennel but that’s the worst of it. unless you count the money you have to spend on saffron. but honestly v v worth it.

quick question….who’s still there and do you want gift guides? seriously- raise your hand.

and lastly- i have 2 sets of bowls on sale here. they make great gifts and each purchase helps me to afford saffron.

my god guys!! i did it! i saw it through. maybe sunday is my day?

things and other things

hello! things to consider and discuss…


top of the heap is PRINTS. after a loooong contemplative mood wherein i decided and then undecided and then decided again and then undecided again i finally landed on DECIDED TO sell prints. for now we have two yummy irises to choose from. they come in 4 sizes, ranging from small (12 x 16) to the largest size (30 x 40) with a few inbetween. i plan on adding jellies and abstracts too in the very near future. hop over here to select.


i be on etsy a lot lately. considering fabric for curtains . this vintage chintz is at the top of the list. do we hate or love?


this sweet handmade afghan blanket is delightful.

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no sure how drunk i’d have to be to buy $135 incense but it sure does sound lovely.


i make this a lot and it is many stars.


had an in depth conversation with the girl who does my hair about how great these pants are (she was wearing them). they take a wee bit of breaking in but once they do they give your body a hug and your booty a POW.


your girl is in the market for a white bootie. these are leading the pack.. but ugh the price tag. (go on sale please)

ok then. until we meet again. (seriously tho go buy a print, and maybe that incense and send me a stick.)

kirsten dunst's house is fucking great


i really just find it interesting and beautiful. it’s a ranch house in the valley that feels like it’s in the middle of the country. the video below is worth a watch to peep the incredible details and back story. (looking at you swedish secretaire). read more and see more here.

mid week rundown of the things

hey hey hey!

here’s where we are on the home front..

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i just went ahead and bought this flush mount for the hall. it was cheap and i don’t hate it.


some decisions were made on my bedroom. as we know my bathroom is going to be green smoke. i waffled over wanting the bedroom a coordinating white vs a color. i knew i wanted pale whatever it was. this is pale powder from f&b and it’s definitely more blue than green but there is a hint of green. the room is west facing so she’s bright in the am and darker in the pm. f&b tells me pale powder is a good choice for such conditions.

in other bedroom findings- my bed is waaaaay too big for the space. i desperately need a new mattress so i think i am going to sell my custom king bed and start over. have my mind set on something like this for a headboard…..


harling ross did it and we are here for the vibe.

also snuggie has ripped the upholstery apart on my bed bc it has been a stand in cat tree since he figured out he could climb it. even with the purchase of an actual cat tree my bed is still basically pride rock. let me see you try to climb a wooden screen simba! also downsizing to a queen feels right. also i’ve had this mattress since fiona was born. also gross.


as for the hall bathroom i found my peach. it’s harajuku morning by backdrop. i have the sample and it is indeed perfect. ordered these towels too. also am leaning heavily towards a medicine cabinet in this bathroom and would love your best advice on the cutest ones that are not inset. or super pricey. obv.

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and finally, i’ve been considering the kitchen and have been vexed on what i would do. i am thinking this combo of colors. paean black on all lower cabinets and peignoir on the walls and upper cabinets. great right?

get in me closet

fall hath arriveth. raise your hand if you need clothes 🙋🏼

in no particular order….


a hoodie dress with puff sleeves just feels right.

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it’s high time your girl had some air jordans.


also dying for a pair of brown loafers. the price is great here and they come in dark brown and black as well.


teddy sweatshirt dress!! would wear with aforementioned air jordys and bare legs in that transitional way.


i heart everlane always. they are my go to for basics. this dream pant is currently in my cart.


as are these jeans. (i have them already in the distressed colorway . size down.)


welp. i guess this is me now. but seriously how do we all not own this?


in an effort to not be too frumpy i present the slip dress. it’s a classic that you can dress up or down depending on the shoe. my favorite way is with a big cardigan over the top and a low heeled mule. i am eyeing this violet version with a big jean jacket, socks and brown loafers. if purple isn’t your thing (how dare you) she comes in 6 colors.

i need loads of things honestly. new jeans are at the top pf my list, i need new stylez. like 5 pairs. wait, is that too much? help.

and sweaters…so many sweaters are needed. you?

what’s happening? what are you eyeing? tell me.