halloween + decorating progress

 first up the cutest girl in the world made cuter by ladybug attire:


this was friday morning before her halloween party at school, hence the sleepy eyes...


halloween afternoon we had homemade chili(dumb) and corn muffins(dumber) with our pals the marler's....

fiona and her pal ailey...a bride...


s. mike....(!!?!)


me (in tiny hat) and mollsballs...

(i see you all looking at that headboard!  it is awaiting paint.  not sure what color yet)

first house..

fiona ditched the boots for walking purposes..

and pants...


but wait!!!!!...as if that wasn't exciting enough..

shelves were made over..





painted...and roughly styled..

i need jamie the shelf whisperer to give me some tips...

let me address what the rest of you are thinking..

you: "MFAMB, why didn't you take the shelves off the walls to paint them?"

me: "bc they weigh more than Precious and they are drilled into the wall."

you: "MFAMB i totally think you should have painted the inside of the shelves another color!!"

me: "gross.  i would rather drink puke shooters."

you: "so no to wallpaper in them too?"

me: "diarrhea shooters."

you: "MFAMB why don't you put all your books vertical like?"

me: "bc they are decor books and 95% of the are too big. these shelves are really just roughly styled...as in i did them in a few minutes..i need to adorn them with a few cute ob'jets.  give me some time."

that ends this portion of the Q & A.


i hope you all had a fun halloween!!

we did!!


an MFAMB halloween


i am burnt-girl-with-bird-in-heart.

i used to be debbie.

until i got set on fucking fire and a bird made it's nest in my chest cavity.


i used to be an interior decorator until i got burnt and died.

i live in this house with my surrogate creepy family..


this is the front room.

 i think this room has a great lived-in, country estate feel.


the blurry purple figure is grandma.

she is old as piss.

i like to tease her about her blurriness. 

she always calls me 'tar face' when i do.

it can get pretty nasty between us.


this is our kitchen..


i do most of the cooking because it's just easier this way. 

that plaid blanket is so on trend isn't it?

no...really...is it?  i have no idea what fucking year it is...

i haven't picked up a magazine since my fingers melted.


here's the living room.. 


don't even get me started on the dirt on that upholstery.

i leave ash trails everywhere i go.

it is incessantly irritating.

this is fawn..


she likes to steal your shit and then ruin it with her haunted eye.

that fucker is like a heat laser!

mostly she just plays with her dolls.



on special occasions we all eat in the dining room...


have you ever seen so many tagines?! is moroccan still a thing?


 one of my favorite nooks...

Bue Taffeta II.jpg

i can't bring myself to sit on it though. mostly because i'm like walking mt. st. helens.


this is my room..


this is where it happened. 


say hi to denise...


she and her "friend" mostly keep to themselves.





this is wanda...


she is a sister wife..

(and a cousin daughter)


 here is the greenhouse..


at the end of a long day of trying to cook meals for these fuckheads, with no fingers no less, i like to come here to unwind...it soothes me.

and if i am really quiet...

really really still..

that little fucking bird in my chest cavity leaves the nest for a few hours and i am completely alone.


until john comes in...


and fills my chest cavity with his peen.

just one of his many fetishes.

he also likes to eat feet.

