the home stretch

it's almost there...really and truly. 


fiona's room..

still waiting on the dadblern bedskirt.

and curtains.

and painting the desk.

i have the paint, just not the time.


here's a refresher..

art has been an issue.

i decided on this poster bc i LOVE it and fiona is obsessed with cats..

so that's a win in my book...

the dark blue against the lavender walls is what sealed the deal for me.

as of now she has one of my BIG pieces of art in there, which i like fine but it's not ideal..

this poster will not replace the art..

but rather go on the other side of the window from it.

i need more.


the issue i am having is on her bed wall..

what to do?


i like the symmetry of the art in this room.


fact: i need to break up the expanse of purple on the wall.


i love the tying in of flowers with the lamps and art.

i had thought to do similarly with a flowery theme to tie in the flower explosion that is the headboard.



i love naomi's simple, modern marilyn photo.


this too.

love all that ornate tradition with the modern lamp and art and the modern take on the toile.

this is the direction i am leaning toward most.




this's all good.

except for that pendant shade.

barf my face off.

and the lamps don't work for me either.

but the simple, personal art is nice.


what. to. do?


fact 2: we have really high ceilings so that has to be considered. 


and a final word on posters..

i love them.

they are cheap and colorful and graphic and awesome for a kids space.


here are some that i love that you can love now too..
























there are thousands more.

check out the vintage section here.



thanks for being my friends.




this post brought to you by cat vomit and the color green

so green could mean many beautiful things and in this case it partly does..

but if you live in the southeast it more than likely, for you, means the color of your boogers.

but maybe more like yellow with a tinge of green.

too much?


it's monday and i woke up to a huge pile of cat vomit on my suzani upholstered chairs...

which means you have to undure it to some degree too.


good news though,

fiona's room is so so close to completion and it's gonna be good.

the desk is here and it looks like it was born to be in the room.

but it needs to be painted.

the color is a little different than most people would choose for a little girl's desk or any desk for that matter.

but my thinking is the room is so girly already with the purple walls and the designers guild orangerie floral explosion headboard that it needs a little muted moodiness. 

here's the idea:

that's the desk that the paint cards are sitting on and that's the hardware that is already on the desk.

there is a little bench that is going to be upholstered in this:

faux ostrich vinyl.

in hot pink.


i'm dying over it.


here is a close up of the upholstery fabric:


lot's of that olive green roaming around.


i am going to pick up a sample of the green today.


then all i need is the bedskirt (which should be here this week)


then i need to take pictures.

(jesus take the wheel)



nature's miracle is the best for cleaning cat vomit.

and the neti pot is the best for cleaning pollen vomit. 





some things to think about..

working on a slight zshushing of the bedroom..



this of course stemmed from the fact that i desperately need new sheets.

i already have a great big coral puffy quilt and i love lavender with BAM!

lavender sheets.

already have the lamps, just need new shades.

window shades are being made as we speak.

just need a brass headboard and a 5,000 dollar rug

and i'm all set.


i would NEVER buy a 5000 dollar rug bc i have 4 cats and they will pee all over it 1000 times.

anyone know of a rug that is exactly like this but pee resistant?




this show melts my face off...

so fucking INSPIRED!!!


it was nice to finally hear the "cocktail" of pills kim has been taking.

i love it when people who use drugs that are prescribed by doctors seem to think they are not using drugs somehow and that it's ok.

we aren't talking 1 antidepressant here folks.  

so don't get your panties all ruffled.

this bitch is toxic.


 basically she is a legal junkie.


new light was shed on paul for me this week.

how he puts up with that passive aggressive bitch adrienne is beyond me.

i hope he has a side piece.



slowly but surely.



if you haven't read it already,

please read this..

because it's awesome. 



seances are the new BBQ's.




i am a famous interior design heavyweight

 the mastermind behind this blog...


emailed me to tell me that i was featured as one of the 50 beautiful blogs to make your home more like martha's...


for real..

check it..


who's the boss now?


you can visit this blog of smarts on how to get started in interior design if you want to.


but first..

a few things.


gwyneth "cuntry strong" paltrow is on glee tonight.

and i am going to 

a.) watch the shit out of it


b.) probably choke back jealous vomit chunks.



i am working on an english country (not cuntry) manor house master bedroom for a client that combines cozy comfort with girly modern and a dash of simple streamlined masculinity.

here are our inspiration pics:






can't wait to show you the moodboardz.


decorating farts,

halloween + decorating progress

 first up the cutest girl in the world made cuter by ladybug attire:


this was friday morning before her halloween party at school, hence the sleepy eyes...


halloween afternoon we had homemade chili(dumb) and corn muffins(dumber) with our pals the marler's....

fiona and her pal ailey...a bride...


s. mike....(!!?!)


me (in tiny hat) and mollsballs...

(i see you all looking at that headboard!  it is awaiting paint.  not sure what color yet)

first house..

fiona ditched the boots for walking purposes..

and pants...


but wait!!!!! if that wasn't exciting enough..

shelves were made over..





painted...and roughly styled..

i need jamie the shelf whisperer to give me some tips...

let me address what the rest of you are thinking..

you: "MFAMB, why didn't you take the shelves off the walls to paint them?"

me: "bc they weigh more than Precious and they are drilled into the wall."

you: "MFAMB i totally think you should have painted the inside of the shelves another color!!"

me: "gross.  i would rather drink puke shooters."

you: "so no to wallpaper in them too?"

me: "diarrhea shooters."

you: "MFAMB why don't you put all your books vertical like?"

me: "bc they are decor books and 95% of the are too big. these shelves are really just roughly in i did them in a few minutes..i need to adorn them with a few cute ob'jets.  give me some time."

that ends this portion of the Q & A.


i hope you all had a fun halloween!!

we did!!


me and the ghost whisperer and betty white

today i have an audition of awesome proportions.

it's to play the best friend of jennifer love hewitt.

you might remember that she prefers to be called "love".

well this is fine with me bc i prefer to called "ass mate", so we have that in common.

also betty white is in this thing and who doesn't want to meet betty white?!



aerin lauder's bar is really really sexy and i wanna copy it..

does anyone know where i can get a full shot of this beauty?

and help me find those exact lamps please.

they have a little wooden bottom i think.

get to work!