good thing vanilla ice was there.


V.I. surely furnished his whole house at home depot.


fact #1: i did not watch this episode.

fact #2: i don't need to because i have eyes.


as i was gathering the images for this post i honestly was like.."dear god help me to understand why these people have such a hard time with this white box challenge".

then i started to notice that the turds were in a home depot like store filling their baskets with home depot like goods.


ohhhh...i get it.


they had to design the white boxes using shit entirely from home depot.

 that would suck massive amounts of ding dong.

and then i started to look at the heinously decorated box-rooms with a more sympathetic heart..


i don't spend an awful lot of time in home depot but i do know that there is a lot of this:



i know there are lights and sinks and rugs and maybe even pillows...

but mostly it's hardware and builder shit.

you know it.

i know it.

and vern knows it.


so yes this was a challenge.

but again..

a challenge that no one in real life EVER will have to face.

which makes it totally stupid.


is it so wrong to ask that you provide us with a show where people get to decorate a room using things that are pretty?

it's hard enough to decorate a room that way..

there are plenty of real life challenges to face when decorating a room.

why must we see what someone does with dirt and rope?


so i have sympathy this week for the turds.

because i have no idea what i would do.



here's what i DO know..

this is a box.

no windows.

no architecture.

no interest.


in my mind you need to add all of those elements.

and you need to fill. it. up.




i will save you the boredom of the boring rooms that didn't win or lose but still sucked.

and get on to the best and the worst.



oh it's heinous.

don't get me wrong.

but she filled it up.

and she filled it up with pattern which detracts from the boxiness.

and she filled it up with plants.

and her art is good.



this is honestly so fucking terrible that it's awesome.

again, i didn't actually watch this episode or even the usual last 20 minutes..

so this guy could have totally been serious and arty and full of himself..

which would make him the ultimate douchebag.

but if he is taking a piss here..i LOVE HIM FOR IT.

it's almost like he said "choke on my bitterness vern!"



the worst:

he oughta be beaten for the placement of that rug alone.


what the shit?


and he added that floor?!???


i don't know who went home but i hope it was this guy.





in every sense of the word.

it looks like it smells like stripper sweat.

and i think i see some cocaine on the floor.




looking through all of the rooms there wasn't anything that i was like...oohh...i'd do that.

there never is really. 

but i get that that's not the point.

i GET that you (hgtv) are trying to find a star.

someone who can create something out of nothing, someone who has a personality and can make do with what's on hand if pressed.

and i GET that challenges like this help you to weed out the truly terrible with the truly creative.

but it's bc of this that i don't need to watch this show.

i can gather all the info i need from the last 20 minutes or photos on the website.


if i were in charge here i would do like they did on top design..

i would have little pre- challenge challenges where the contestants had to be creative on the spot.

this is where you do your home depot shit.

then whoever did the best would get immunity.

and then you could have them do the real challenge which could be oh, i don't know..ummm..

decorate a room on a small budget?

isn't that enough of a challenge?



someone please bring back top design.



you might need to head this up.


who's with me?

newell. newell. newell!


 i am offering my services as guest judge.






design turd episode 1

design star season 42 is upon us and folks, shit still be terrible.


if you're new here i make fun of this show.



the lead singer of creed is on the show...

 he hasn't sung about jesus yet but i fully expect him to.


look at that chin!



also daisy fuentes is a judge.

or is she a one time only judge?

i don't really know i only watched the last 20 minutes.

(20 minutes i'll never get back)

either way..what the diarrhea is daisy fuentes doing judging design?!

no really...tell me.

does she have a celebrity line for rooms to go?


does kohls sell furniture?


i'm losing focus.


as i said i only watched the last 20 minutes which is essentially all you need to see.


here are some of the designs..

not terrible. 

but not good either.

ok it's mostly terrible.

those sheers need to be burned in a fire.

i have to know if those porn-rape basement lights on the ceiling are for tv purposes?

 if this was my room i would have ripped them down when no one was looking.

also, i would have obviously hung a more substantial curtain.

and you know how i hate FEATURE WALLS!!!!!

that "chevron" just ends up looking like ghetto charlie brown's dollar store t shirt.

and who's the asshole who chose that green gray carpet?

shoot them.




jesus another feature wall.

i like the wall color.

and i appreeeeeciate the way the white fretwork pops off the blue.

but the scale of EVERYTHING is wrong.

why didn't anyone think to get a bigger rug?

or a few rugs to create "areas".

and why does this room have hospital tile and the other one has murder carpet?

that cowhide just looks ridiculous and what the fuck is the ottoman for?

scale people. SCALE!!!

and i guess those rapey lights are for tv.



there were plenty of "art" installations.


that little table covered in tape was my favorite of all of the everything.

i would do that.

and that's saying something.



 bless her heart.



this person has no business decorating rooms for money.

and she certainly has no business on the TV convincing people that this is good.

feature wall? check!

lime green/royal purple complete double feature wall what does it mean?  check! check!

this looks like the "family room" in a juvi center.

i hope they set it on fire.



everyone raved over the fucking moose on a black wall.

in fact i think the girl who did it is the girl who won.


excuse me...

this room is horrible.

and the moose makes absolutely no sense in it.

and that tiny tv with the framing around it is about the worst thing i've seen on this show.

in fact i think this person should have gone home.

but not before they were beaten to death.


if it were me..

and i HAD to work with a moose i would have made it more rustic and cozy.

less z gallerie meets homegoods meets hairy butthole.




don't get me wrong.

i HATE this.

but it's the best of the worst.

it's layered.

it looks comfy.


i love monochrome.

but this is tooooo monochrome.

throw some wood in the mix and something that looks like the earth spit it out.


however, the real problem with this room is there isn't enough furniture in it.

the 2 sofas seem to be 4,000 miles from one another.

and it would have been so much better if they mixed it up a little.

why does everything have to be 2 of the same thing?

identical sofas, identical rugs, identical coffee tables, identical chairs...


identical thumbs down..




wake up designers.



this is all hgtv is providing in the pictures department.

probably for good reason.



next week someone poops out a table and vern's head explodes.

and then thousands of tiny verns come out and dance on it   

all the while candace's penis keeps the beat like a metronome.




go and shoot yourself in the face with a canon if you plan to watch this show




 yay us!!


we get to listen to meg's laryngititular cotton mouth midwestern accent say the words "Design Crimes" forever and ever!

ear crimes.

eye crimes.









here's what you missed...



meg and karl decorate a room.


both rooms suck.


the end.













 dezIne cryymz




design star- double elimination means bizness. and that this shit is over sooner.

 you would think that given the opportunity to design their own space without having to concede to someone else's shitty design would mean less shitty design. 

well you'd be wrong.

it was raining poop and pee and farts and sharts and suede couches.


kellie just won a million dollars!!!!


just kidding she just saw the hgtv'd truck.

hgtv'd truck=b'hole herpes.

are you ready?


the poor bastards with a house in need of decorating for free were the....sbbaasshottks?


fuck i can never understand anyone's name..

i will call them the spatchcocks...

the spatchcocks aka delicious chicken heads.


the turds draw cards to see which room they get to fuck up..


the spatchcocks brief the turds on what they need/want in each of the rooms.

they have 2 little boys.

1 of them likes to party. hard. 

the other one likes sports.

they need some chandeliers (plural).

someone wants bunkbeds and some lockers (here's a's not mom or dad).

someone has a record collection (that mark will make a ladder out of).

and leslie has cobras for arms..


everyone comences shopping..


mark shops for all the wood in the land..

"wood is my favorite."



day 2


mark is moving on to his masterpiece of all ladders,

made out of records..

everyone in brooklyn is hi-5'ing.


in the next room kevin is making stone look more like stone with paint that looks like stone..

paint this stone the color of stone.



leslie is..

handing over her title as design star.



but then as if things couldn't possibly get any gayer (and thankfully they always do)-

the gayest car in the universe pulls up..


(oonce oonce oonce oonce)


(oonce oonce oonce oonce)




 lord of the gay is there for some role playing lessons.

karl pretends not to be creepy (FAIL) and david pretends he is dorothy in the wiz (NAILED IT).


day 3, maybe.


more shopping happens.


kellie can't find lockers..

crates are lockers sometimes when crates are busy being lockers.


meg shops for ottomans..

"hey jenny, you mean aaaaahtahmahns."


kevin can't find a mantle in all of new jersey..

so he asks woody for some wood..

 but he's wood here..


meg is running behind again..

"ha haa ha ha  i better put aahn my big girl panties and hang some laahnternz.."




meg's panties.



meg's lanterns.


i would have ripped that homespun shit down immediately.




time for the guest judge!! 

it's my boyfriend john gidding!!!!


and that means it's time for another edition of..

(whispers) CeLebriTy FRaGraNceS


it's called: cuntemporary modern (for him/her)

scent: spruce, freshly cut tile, spruce, DWR showroom, tom ford's ball juice, new canvas sneakers, crest


john pretends to love everything bc he is friendly and positive.




leslie's room..

jacked up letters and inabiltiy to stuff the comforter INSIDE the duvet.

 cobra arms are hard. 



 the other side:

there is a giant soul eating monster hovering near the bed (10 points from gryffindor!)

plus there are screen printed pictures on the comforter.


i just want to understand the taste level here people.



yer done.



kellie's room..

rug on an angle. 

150 points from gryffindor.

plus no bunk beds=little boy tears.




mark's living/dining combo:

those rugs are dumb.


would you like some wood with your wood?



meg's landing..

3 days?

all of that shit would land in the dumpster. 



kevin's family room:


kevin don't know nuthin bout furniture arrangin.



 karl's master bedroom:


that's french canadian for milk toast.

it'd been a whoooole lot better if it wasn't so ugly.


and it's the winner.

no you heard right.

the winner.

winning in all it's matchy blue and beige accordian blinded glory.



the loser this week is les..







but not bc his room sucked.

bc HE sucks.



seriously hgtv.


this show is sucking the shit out of sucking. 


design turd recap for your face




haha uhhhh....

let's see....where do i..begin..


the turds are kitchen designers this week.



i'll start there.

no wait..dreeeeam kitchen designers.


yet oddly enough the finished products were um...oh...i don't know..uhhh...fuglarious?


they worked in pairs again.

here's a pair:

"here's to sucking!!"



once the pairs pulled a kitchen layout out of a magic folder they then picked a teapot to inspire their design..

magical inspirational teapots of imagination


if it were me i would first smash all the teapots on the floor..

 then i would totes go traditional but i would do euro modern traditional and melt everyone's fucking face off.


but no one did anything good at all. 

no one.

at all.



first of all they got the worst advice ever from king bromstad of colorwheel..

"a kitchen should be vibrant and full of energy."

 ok that's just a fucking opinion king colordong.


i say a kitchen should just function practically and be real fucking pretty.




everyone seems to think that green is the most awesome color choice for their kitchen walls..



but then karl is all..wait...fuck a JUST GREEN KITCHEN!



because it's so stylish and vibrant and energized to have all the walls different fucking colors of course!



or as he likes to call it..


no really, that's exactly what he called it.



and cathy don't give a shit..


with her cleveland eyes..

"so long as i can style the shit out of it ya'll karl can paint it any colors he wants"



 kellie is sad that mark won't finish the tile backsplash that she picked out..


day 1


 day 2.


day 3.


 "tiling makes me sleepy."


meg puts up a peg board of pots and pans..

 meg board





tyler shows us that you only need a little bit of backsplash in the kitchen..

global green tiles  


 cathy styled it all up like a grocery store..

there was a bowl full of horseraddish (appropriate) and cucumbers (not appropriate)

and a full on bread station.


 emily were you stroking out at this point?


then came the dreaded camera challenges.

and i say dreaded for me,



cathy is so good at the camera challenges bc she speaks into the camera like a robot camera horse that can deliver all the appropriate camera challenge information for the camera.

"here, eat this imaginary apple as your reward!"


"nomnomnom neeeigh!!"


everyone else sucked.


time for judging!!


welcome this week's judge!

it's paula deen ya'll!

and that means it's time for my side project..

CeLeBrity FraGRanceS!


the paula deen edition.


it's called: butt her

scent: butter, butterscotch, scotch, menthols, tugboat steam, french country, aqua net, finger sandwiches,

shrimp shells and benicar


paula pretty much hates everything.

and why wouldn't she?


first up:


nothing says global like cork floors, a zebra rug, a live edge table and a liberace goes to india piano bench!



nothing says farmhouse like industrial pendants!



nothing says industrial like dark cabinets, a red wall, his friend yellow wall, and mid century stools!


nothing says contemporary like buffalo wings and celery sticks!



the winner of this week's design challege was cathy with her barnload of info delivery in under 60 seconds..

way to go cathy!



"i mean neeeeiiigghh!!!!"



the loser this week was tyler..


sorry tyler, there's only room for one gaysian on hgtv...




design turd season who cares episode 1


 i don't give a shit if you had a stick, a hammer, some crayons, 1 rusty battery, paint mixed with dirt and left boob sweat and 12 minutes to design a room with them…i meant what i said when i said the gloves were coming off this time..

i have been recapping this show since the season of the bromstad and this year…


honey badger don't give a shit. 


i will make fun of you if you're ugly or you wear girl scarves but you have a penis.

they only way i will say anything nice about you is if you deliver me something that doesn't include some wallpaper in a frame, a mural, moss balls, random balls in a bowl, shit in groups of 3, an accent wall or a word (or words) painted, stenciled, carved, drawn or left by vaginal snail trail onto the far…



this is the competition that beat out yours truly.


the whole time i visualized myself walking around as a more useful mentor a la gordon ramsay..

saying things like, "that looks like a donkey's dick"


jenny: "what's that?"

turd 1: "an orange accent wall."

jenny: "it's dumb and it's making my eyes bleed. do you want to go home?"

turd 1: "no."

jenny:  "then fucking paint all the walls the same color. use orange in the fabric or in accessories."

turd 2: "ok."

jenny: "now MOVE YER ASS!!!!!"


ok onto the recap.



the turds show up on a dumb rooftop..

tanika comes out and tells them they are the chosen turds


the bromstad comes out and tells them they have to be more like him if they wanna win...



which is to say be more like a ventriliquist's doll come to life:



everyone sucks but cathy cuz she's an eleventy time emmy champion for talking on the tv..or something.

but she is scary and her teeth are gonna eat me..


then err'body picks a partner and they each get a room to decorate..


here they are:




don't tell me what to do.

double vomit.



 my heart bleeds drops of hate and screams.






around here we call that "awesome tire table", a ghetto coffin. 

the room is chunky puke chunks.





nice shelf.



this took 2 people (+ a handy man and painter) 3 days?





the poopy losing room with it's poopy wall dumbness.



imagine that...wallpaper in a frame.










(cry cry cry)




and for the record..

 i don't understand the appeal of all that cold, boring, lifeless, personality-less contemporary design.

where are the antiques?

where is the pattern?  the texture?

the layering?

the lived in look?


and they had 3 days!!!




can someone please explain the appeal of this "style" to me?

and why do people still buy into that rule of 3?

do they really teach that shit to you in design school?

fire all of those people.






dumb blanche went home.

but honestly any one of them could have gone and i wouldn't have been surprised.

or gave a shit.




i predict this face happening a lot:

emmys emmys emmys!!