halloween + decorating progress

 first up the cutest girl in the world made cuter by ladybug attire:


this was friday morning before her halloween party at school, hence the sleepy eyes...


halloween afternoon we had homemade chili(dumb) and corn muffins(dumber) with our pals the marler's....

fiona and her pal ailey...a bride...


s. mike....(!!?!)


me (in tiny hat) and mollsballs...

(i see you all looking at that headboard!  it is awaiting paint.  not sure what color yet)

first house..

fiona ditched the boots for walking purposes..

and pants...


but wait!!!!!...as if that wasn't exciting enough..

shelves were made over..





painted...and roughly styled..

i need jamie the shelf whisperer to give me some tips...

let me address what the rest of you are thinking..

you: "MFAMB, why didn't you take the shelves off the walls to paint them?"

me: "bc they weigh more than Precious and they are drilled into the wall."

you: "MFAMB i totally think you should have painted the inside of the shelves another color!!"

me: "gross.  i would rather drink puke shooters."

you: "so no to wallpaper in them too?"

me: "diarrhea shooters."

you: "MFAMB why don't you put all your books vertical like?"

me: "bc they are decor books and 95% of the are too big. these shelves are really just roughly styled...as in i did them in a few minutes..i need to adorn them with a few cute ob'jets.  give me some time."

that ends this portion of the Q & A.


i hope you all had a fun halloween!!

we did!!


the trouble with harry

 i promise we are not becoming a cat blog with pun-ny titles.

but i have to tell you just how hogwarts this cat really is.

without any prompting or teaching from me, harry potter went into nicolas' poop box and went number 1.  

then right before i went to bed he went number 2, in the box.

i am one of those people who gets a little unnerved when good things happen to me bc i am certain that something terrible is right around the corner.  like this is just god's way of saying, yeah enjoy this now bc your house is about to burn down.

do any of you suffer this way?

let's collectively say outloud..

"i/you deserve this awesome cat/gift without any conditions".

yay praying!!!




i'm done.



besides, there's this happening:

and clearly this shit will take all of my available abilities to recap.


RHOATL recap coming soon.



it's cold here.

what what?

yes, i see that 80 degree friday and it does not pump me up.






sharing is caring..

 this week is monumental.

no really, it is.

fiona started kindergarten and that is just plain crazy.

yesterday she was a baby and i was calming her with boob milk.

we are adjusting around here.

so pardon the random post.

i probably need a few drugs and cake.

but here are some things that are interesting:

this room is happy and good:


they have added some new drag queens to this shitparade:



i miss...

(ottoman is on chair for vaccuming purposes)








pink sea salt is happening:

a great big gut wrenching drunk written kindergarten post is coming soon...

i love you a lot today.
